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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

We feel the love!

Look at our awesome management group who took many many hours out of their busy lives and got together in Seattle to brainstorm how to make this company run like a fine tuned engine!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Not so private....

Here’s a great shot of the group who dedicated their weekend and flew across the country to meet up so that we can get this gig with Private Practice off the ground without a hitch.  From left to right: Jay Decker, Beth, Brynne Potter, Christine, Chellie, Michael and Ron. These are exciting times!

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Emily's "other" claim to fame.  She should really charge to see Audrey and Stella.  I'd pay!  I'm sure we all would.


The goal of the Sutter Moms of Multiples program is to help the women carry their pregnancies to full term, if medically possible, so the babies are as healthy as possible when they are born.


Mothers of Multiples Center: A gallery of 11 photos from The Sacramento Bee in the category of Featured Photo Galleries.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I want to be famous

Here's Stella, Audrey and Emily's 15 minutes of fame..... this time. I think
 this is a sign of things to come for these girls. Maybe the next Mary Kate
 and Ashley?? Hehe

Monday, August 6, 2012

Good advice

Debbie is always full of good advice! 

(no she really is, ask her!)

Guess who!!

We have some wonderful, amazing news to share! Another

one of our team members is having a baby. She is due

February 16th.

Anyone want to take a guess at who it is?

In case you were under a rock or on a very remote vacation. It’s NATALIE!!!!!  Congrats Natalie, we can't wait to hear what it is!    (I'm secretly hoping it's a puppy)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Milwaukee, WI -- For years, health insurance companies have relied on a wide variety of options for denying claims, including lack of preapproval; a preexisting condition; or minor clerical errors, such as incomplete dates. Now, Green Cross of Wisconsin has announced an entirely new category for claims denials: "just because."

According to Green Cross CEO Dick Browne, the company took a "rational look at the business model" and singled out denials as a huge cost sink: "I think we all long assumed that we could just stamp 'denied' on a claim and it would go away. But a top-to-bottom review of our operations revealed that we were incurring huge costs dealing with angry patients and doctors. Worst of all, giving a reason for denying a claim was simply providing patients with ammunition to argue with us; appeals were hurting our bottom line."

The beauty of "just because," according to Browne, is that it stops the appeal process dead in its tracks. And downsizing the appeals department could save Green Cross millions, according to an independent audit by KPMG.

Green Cross says it wants to stay in the forefront of insurance innovation. "Paying out on claims is the soft underbelly of the insurance industry," says Browne. "It is a liquidity drain that markedly affects shareholder value. We need to continue to examine new avenues for denying claims."

Thanks for the laugh, Jessica.  I KNEW they were sneaky... now there's proof!  Haha

Monday, July 30, 2012

He takes after his dad

Now, it's faily obvious that this kid takes after his father.... right?

Cory was still able to get a little teary smile out of the booger.  He broke both bones falling down the stairs (no I didn't push him).

It's been quite the summer here.  My hubby was SO punny when he said "we can't catch a break!"

Tiff's new "shoe" for the summer.  It's been nice since it has built in AC (yeah right) and makes my foot smell all fresh (even bigger yeah right).

That's our goings on this summer.  Now YOUR turn to share!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Awhhhh, love!

I just wanted to give a huge THANK YOU to everyone that helped out with my accounts while I enjoyed my honeymoon. I was waiting to send an email when I had our pictures back... but it looks like they are going to take a while. What are the chances that our photog's father in law gets sick and needs his leg amputated? Really?! I don't really feel like I can beg for pics right now :)

BUT here is one that is proof that we did get married... or at least have a fun wedding! 

So thank you, thank you, thank you! It's a relief to have over with and I appreciate everyone's sweet comments! I'm glad to be a wife again and I've already started begging for more babies. I appreciate everyone that helped out with my aging... it's such an awesome feeling to know that I work with so many wonderful women and can count on every single one of them!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

LBS invades Cheesecake Factory!!

Warning:  View these pictures at your own risk.  There's cheesecake and jealousy (on my part) involved!

From left to right: Lucy, Julie, Chellie, Cheri, Dianne, Jessica T, Valerie, Carrie, Christine

HEY!  Who let Scott in on this party??! 
Haha, he's a good sport to be willing to sit with all those women.

I told you there was cheesecake.  Is mine the only watering mouth?

Monday, July 9, 2012


Here's the crew from the Bend lunch.  I wish I could go to all of these. 
I'm still voting for a HUGE LBS slumber party!!

Jessica and the B-day cake Lizabeth surprised her with!

Left to right Suzanne, Alese, Jessica J, Lizabeth, Kim, Janet, Lisa M

                                                                                            Suzanne and Alese with their little monkies!

Suzanne and Kim!

Lisa Martin and Janet Nash (mommy and daughter, awwwww!)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Baby blob is.......

A blobette :)

Jessica Jackson's Emily is getting the SISTER that she wanted. They are very excited to be adding another little girl to their family.

Just had to share with everyone. Guess they better start thinking of names!

Monday, June 25, 2012

What gets you going?

So, I've often wondered what keeps some of the night owls going. There was never a question as to what Beth was listening to, but others are more mysterious. If you get a chance this week, shoot me an email with the name and artist of one of your fav songs, whether you listen to it first thing in the am, noon, or midnight. I wanna know!
Here's one of my favorites that really gets me going..... ENJOY!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Bring on summer!!!

They are now 2.5 months old, 1 month adjusted, 10lbs, and grew 3.5 inches since they were born! They were good sports for dress up yesterday! ;)

They are SO cute, I could just squish them.  Their mommy isn't too bad herself, I have to say it's not fair that she looks like she's never even babysat, let alone had twins!

P.S. Stella is on the left in teal, and Audrey is in pink. Emily is in purple. Just making sure you know, you're welcome.

Friday, June 8, 2012

LBS invades Jordan Landing

Here are some pictures that Cheri took candidly (and without permission) of the lunch some of us were able to sneak away to in Jordan Landing.

                        Gab Gab Gab!!!

This shot is actually in the very back of the first one, but I thought it was such a cute mommy Miley moment that I had to zoom in on it.

Dianne, Cheri and Cheri's adorable bebes!

This side of the table again... Cheri, I'm going to have to talk to you about warning me to hide!

Three goofball children along for the ride.

If I remember accurately, Beth was describing to the waiter how big she wanted her burger to be... HAHA!  Teasing.  She is just animated no matter what she's talking about.

Chellie can tell a story like nobody's business!

I'm going to have to ask Dianne's kids if she's always this super sweet.  I'll tell you I'm sure the answer would be yes!!


      Heather, Miley, Tiff, Carrie, Cheri (and her adorables), Anna S, Chellie, Beth, Jessica T, Dianne

This was such a super FUN afternoon.  We decided that it's time to talk Christine into throwing a huge LBS slumber partay!!  Muahahahahaha!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Welcome Back Lisa Martin!

Here are our most recent family photos. Landon is days away from being two in these photos, and Claire is 3 weeks old. End of April and beginning of May is a busy birthday time in our family! My husband, Zach, works for Bend Research as a Chemist.

I am really eager for Claire to stretch out her nights a bit! We had a five hour stretch last night that felt like heaven, let's hope it continues!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Here is a link to our wedding pictures. Some of you may have seen most of these on Facebook already, but I know not everyone does Facebook, so here you go! It was such a beautiful day. Thank you to everyone who was a part of it!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

How Carrie W and Arden spent their Saturday

Carrie and I spent our Saturday helping the community of Alburnett, IA build a playground. It was a joint effort between Humana and Kaboom. Here is the video that shows how a playground can be built in less than a day...enjoy!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

She's Baaaaaack!

Hi all,

I just wanted to let you know that I am easing back into my job and am back!

My 44 days in the hospital FLEW by, the nurses from all over would come to see me with my office set up in my hospital room! It worked!! I am still sore from my c-section, but each day seems to be better! It will be 6 weeks tomorrow. I gained 48 lbs with them, and have lost all but 7lbs (believe me, I have done nothing to help it off). I am just flabbergasted!

The girls are growing like weeds and are now both just over 7.5 lbs. They are full term as of today! Yay! We are still stuck house bound for about another month, which has been a bit tough, especially after being held captive in the hospital! Soon enough we will be out and about!

The attached picture I think is so silly! Stella is on the left, Audrey on the right. Audrey's face just cracks me up!

So, with all that said, I am back, and taking back many of the tasks I shared with others! I am back doing payments, and my CFO duties, as well as the provider list!

Note:  This is how I felt when I found out she was back....

Then it felt like this....

Monday, May 7, 2012

Because Natalie loves us

So Natalie emailed me a yummy looking recipe to put on the blog and I thought it was just SO cute that I copied it word for word from her email.... I hope you catch the cute part (I could just be crazy, it's happened before)

5 to 6 lbs pork roast
1 can Dr Pepper
1 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup white sugar
2 cloves crushed garlic
1 tsp dry mustard
1 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp red pepper

put roast in crock pot.

mix all ingredients and pour over roast. Cook on high 3 to 4 hours, then cook on low 3 to 4 more hours.

I usually cook the roast the day before then shred and put the sauce on and cook on low 4 to 5 hours the day I am going to serve it.


Saturday, May 5, 2012

yeah, we see what's happening here

Oh suuuuuuure, they tried to make us think it was just Pamela who got all pampered.  We see what's

actually happening.  ten bucks says they took their laptops and "worked" while getting mani/pedi's. 

HEY!  That's not a bad idea!!  ;)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Do ya feel lucky?! Well do ya..... punk!!?

I feel very lucky to work for such a great company and to work from home! But these people are REALLY lucky. See attached clip to watch in your free time. The VOB inbox is empty (yeah, not so much now) so I figured now is as good a time as ever.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Shocked my pants off...

It takes a lot to shock these days, but this was truly insane!  I was embarassed for this hospital staff.  They really made fools of themselves.  Thanks Leena for sharing this!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Baby Claire is Here!

Adorable Baby Claire! 

I want to kiss those little cheeks right off.  Who's with me.  I see you all raising your hands..... Ü 

 Congrats Lisa, she's amazing!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thanks Beth for this insightful, eye-opening article!

Birth Rape and Ignored Refusal?

Posted by danielle625 on February 25th, 2011 at 10:30 am

3549849947 07cc252c31 300x225 Birth Rape and Ignored Refusal?Before I start writing this post out, I want to take a moment to warn my readers about a story that contains graphic birth trauma. This could be a trigger for those of you who have had trauma, or bad experiences. I encourage you to read with caution.
Yesterday afternoon I caught a tweet about Birth Rape from one of the women I follow on twitter. Emily had a c-section a little over a year ago, and as time went on was not happy with her experience. While her blog is mainly about her son who is super cute, she posts some birth stuff, like the birth rape post.
We have all seen some serious doozies when it comes to birth stories on websites like Baby Center, or The Bump, but after reading this one myself, I literally cried for the mother, and wondered to myself, how is this happening in the United States?
The actions of the hospital in this case were illegal, and it often makes me wonder what kind of ego a provider has to have to batter a woman in this nature. The mother, Dawn, had wanted a VBAC, and had changed providers several times during her pregnancy to ensure she would have the most VBAC friendly provider and greatest option of having a Vaginal Birth after a Cesarean section which people take fore-granted in many parts of the country, because for some women, they are simply not that easy to get at all.
When I read the title of the post “VBAC Denied, Horrid Experience” I knew I needed to read this in more than one sitting.
Dawn arrived at the hospital on January 30th, in active labor and dilated to 4cm. Within a short time of her arrival, her water broke on its own, and she was then dilated to 6cm. Beautiful progress for a mother, especially with a previous c-section. Something most VBAC mothers hope for.
She shares in her own words:

Since I was laboring on a birthing ball, the midwife wasn’t confident about the fetal heartrate monitor, it was showing decels, so I was asked to consent to an internal monitor (screws into the baby’s scalp during labor). I refused the first time I was asked, then consented the second time they asked. I consented because I thought my husband was beginning to panic and hoped that it would ease his stress. When I consented to it, I looked at my husband & said “That is medical intervention #1″.
Clearly she was informed about her birth, and really knew and understood what she wanted. She was not blindly going into the hospital, she had done her research and really knew what she wanted, and what would possibly set her back. Something all VBAC mothers should be doing.
But this is where the story took a turn for the worse. Again, this is a warning for mothers before I continue!
After consenting to the monitoring, she continued to share:

Before the monitor was even plugged in, we were told that we were going to be moved to the OR “just in case” while being monitored more closely. The midwife had called an OB to consult & we expected to meet him in the OR.
On the way to the OR, my husband was sent to a dressing area to change into scrubs & I was sent straight into the OR. My husband & I were seperated.
Another warning sign, but sadly many women don’t have any other options. It sounded like the mother was being prep’ed for a c-section but was not being told that. The only time a husband or partner is changed into scrubs tends to be for a c-section.
And then the worse imaginable form of mistrust I have read in a while happened…

As soon as I reached the OR, the staff began prepping me for surgery. I stated that I did NOT want a c-section. I demanded to see my husband and stated that IF I was to receive a c-section my DH & I would make that decision together. I was told that my husband was on his way. I was also told that my baby needed more oxygen & I was told to breathe deeply in a new mask because it had a better seal on my face (the oxygen I was breathing before was thru a smaller mask). The new mask wasn’t oxygen, I was gassed against my will. I am unaware of what was done to me from the time I was gassed up until I awoke in recovery. I am assuming that I only had a c-section. Any further details have not been shared with me.
Not only was she lied to, but she was put under general anesthesia without consent. Alone, with no support from her husband, not knowing what was going on. One minute thinking she was getting some oxygen, and then the next thing she knows she is waking up in the recovery room after major surgery she never consented to!
From a provider none the less that she didn’t know, or even have a name for!

I found out that my son had been born, and that I had been operated on, when I woke up in recovery. No medical professional came to me and spoke to me about my surgery. I have never been told WHY I required a c-section. I only know the name of the delivering physician because it’s on my son’s birth certificate. I never met him. He never came to talk to me before or after surgery. I also never saw the midwife again after I was wheeled into the OR.
I am not sure the details, of course we only know what the mother herself has said. But no matter how you slice this story… it is not acceptable treatment of any patient no matter what they want, including a c-section, VBAC, or what.
We have informed consent, and consent laws in this country for a reason, and this was a gross violation of patient rights on so many levels.

My heart has broken for this mother, and all she will have to go through now in the weeks, and months after the birth of her child, a time that is supposed to be happy, and is now filled with fear, hurt, and regret.
If you or someone you know has experienced some kind of birth trauma or birth rape, please give them the information for Solace for Mothers.
photo: van der chijs

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Suzanne's b-day

This is such an appropriate and adorable card that Suzanne’s kids gave her. 
I love it, Happy B-Day Suzanne!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Emily's new addition

Hi all,

Just wanted to share with you that the girls are officially home! They came home yesterday on Easter, it will be such a fun memory!

This pic does not really show how much they look alike with Audrey's head turned (in pink) but they truly are identical! We found one little way to make sure to tell them apart. (I can tell them apart no matter what, but for anyone else visiting). They both have birth marks on the back of their necks right at the base of their hair lines. One is just a tiny bit different, so I took pics yesterday of each, printed them out and posted them on the wall!!

I am so thankful and grateful for how easy my pregnancy went, despite the potential challenges, and how well my little girls have done! They are now 35w4 days and doing spectacularly!!

Thank you for all your support over the last months!!


Sunday, April 8, 2012



This is exactly how I felt when our beloved Emily went
looking for fun outside of work.  I'm sorry I've been such a slacker
and I promise to be better and get "back on track"
(so punny tonight) pronto!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Jody's new "kids"

Now, when I first saw this email, I was a little concerned... how could I not know that Jody was pregnant?!  I'd like to introduce to you Jody's new "kids!!!!"

This is Amber (mama) Rascal (white) and Coco (obviously brown) 

Jody and Rascal

I love this time of year, it's perfect for fuzzy new babies!