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Friday, March 2, 2012

Surrogate Farm Journal

James and I (Jody) recently got back from the 2012 Organic Farming Conference in LaCrosse, WI.  It was hosted by Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES). They have a wonderful website with all sorts of information and references. They can be found at

We were surrounded by over 3000 participants, presenters, and vendors. There were many classes given in sections as well as general assembly presentations. We ate organic food and socialized and met so very many people. Oddly enough, it was one of the warmest winters in years and James and I suffered from allergies. But it was beautiful there. I even learned the many ways corn cribs can look.

My favorite classes dealt with herbs. I love the idea of taking care of ourselves naturally.  I met this crazy professor that introduced me to the idea of tinctures. Tinctures are a concentrated liquid form of herbs. You can make tinctures in water, oil, apple cider vinegar, and the always popular, vodka. By taking a few drops of tincture into our mouth it will go through the thin membranes in there and directly into the bloodstream.  It sounded crazy at first but was backed up by a lot of science. I am absolutely excited to get started and have ordered some reference books and seeds. Now I just need it to warm up.

I also met some incredible women that are fighting for our nation’s right to good and healthy food. They all worked in their own ways to ensure that our children can grow up healthy. I was shocked and amazed at the statistics showing the correlation of eating healthy and organic and the amount spent on healthcare. I also discovered a greater appreciation for all the hard work in growing the organics and all the hoops they have to jump through. My favorite saying was “Real people pay real money for real food”. It is too easy to try to find ways to save a buck.  That is something that our household has really taken on as a challenge.


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